Musings on the slumber of summer:
Many of my patients often share that it is difficult for them to "feel motivated" during mid- summer. Projects that were started in the early spring are often left by the wayside, abandoned like a supersize meal in the refrigerator.....hoping to get picked up by the next grazer who casually happens to visit the frig. An unlikely occurance. What happens more often than not is that the "goals" get pushed aside to welcome in the fruits of summer; which frankly they should!
Whats more delicious than a perfectly ripe white peach chilled to perfection??!!
Summer ought to be guilt free and evoke less frustration as it was when we were children.Why not consider this? "To do" lists NEED to take a back shelf to the joy that summer holds. Rather than beat yourself up in not responding to the next item on your agenda, or the list that must be completed, explore what it would be like to simply leave your blackberry indoors and be present to the beauty of sea, mountains, air and human connection. So much of our lives are spent "doing" and "planning" rather than simply "BEING" with those that bring us joy and possibility!
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